Music Theory

  1. 1. very loud
  2. 2. Play to reinforce
  3. 3. Similarly
  4. 5. Very soft
  5. 7. Freely
  6. 8. a poco Little and little
  7. 10. Slow down
  8. 13. Increasing the loudness.
  9. 16. Sweetly
  10. 17. Forte Moderately loud
  11. 19. Play to diminish
  12. 21. Gradually play softer
  13. 23. Gracefully
  1. 1. Loud
  2. 3. Simply
  3. 4. Play forcibly
  4. 6. Short and disconnected
  5. 8. Soft
  6. 9. Marked
  7. 11. When the speed increases
  8. 12. Expressive
  9. 14. note rest covers half of an entire bar of 4/4.
  10. 15. Majestically
  11. 18. A note that has two beats
  12. 20. Piano Moderately soft
  13. 22. alone