Music Theory

  1. 4. kinda loud
  2. 5. loud
  3. 8. what happens on and between the beat
  4. 10. very soft
  5. 12. gradually get louder
  6. 14. gradually get softer
  7. 15. soft
  8. 17. both clefs
  9. 18. lowers note half step
  10. 19. smoothly connects notes of different pitches
  1. 1. joins two notes of the same pitch
  2. 2. very loud
  3. 3. notes above or below the staff
  4. 4. kinda soft
  5. 6. raises note a half step
  6. 7. G clef
  7. 9. how many beats per measure and what note gets 1 beat
  8. 11. order of sharps (major)
  9. 13. order flats (major)
  10. 16. F clef