Music Theory Crossword
- 2. What is the level of volume in music called?
- 4. What is quiet called in music?
- 6. What is loud called in music?
- 7. What do you call an increase in tempo?
- 9. What is very loud called in music?
- 12. When the speed is getting slower what is it called?
- 14. How many keys on a normal piano?
- 16. What is another name for a whole note?
- 1. What is the lowest singing voice?
- 3. What is medium quiet called in music?
- 5. What is medium loud called in music?
- 6. How many strings on a normal ukulele?
- 8. What is a quarter note called?
- 10. What is very quiet called in music?
- 11. When music goes louder what is it called?
- 13. When music goes quieter what is it called?
- 15. How many lines on the treble clef?