Music Theory

  1. 2. The third tone of the scale.
  2. 5. An augmented triad has a _____ third on bottom.
  3. 6. A ____ resolves by going down.
  4. 7. A major triad has a _____ third on top.
  5. 8. When the key of an entire piece of music is changed.
  6. 11. All voices singing the exact same notes.
  7. 12. The rhythmical concept of 2 against 3.
  8. 13. The meter 3/8 would be ____.
  9. 16. The combination of two chords used at the end of a phrase, section, or piece of music
  10. 19. A triangle is an example of a(n) _____.
  1. 1. Mode with half-steps between 3 & 4, and 6 & 7.
  2. 3. When the notes of a triad are rearranged, it creates a(n)___.
  3. 4. A non-chord tone that gets less that one beat.
  4. 9. A note that isn't part of a chord.
  5. 10. Notes of the same pitch that are written differently.
  6. 13. The repetition of a melodic pattern at a higher or lower pitch.
  7. 14. Ionian mode is just an example of a ______.
  8. 15. Mode with half-steps between 1 & 2, and 4 & 5 .
  9. 17. When specific voices are split into more parts.
  10. 18. A group of songs with a unifying theme.