  1. 2. A singing voice that is lower than the voice of a soprano and higher than the voice of a tenor
  2. 4. A note having one half the value of a whole note, also called half note
  3. 5. A set of five horizontal lines and four intermediate spaces and also called stave.
  4. 7. Vertically lines attached to the note heads.
  5. 8. The clef that establishes F a fifth below middle C on the fourth line of the staff and also called F clef
  6. 10. A musical note having the longest time value, equal to four beats and also called a whole note.
  7. 12. A note that is neither flat nor sharp
  8. 13. A notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound
  9. 14. Stems of notes can go ____ or down
  10. 15. A note having one-fourth the time value of a whole note. Also called crotchet
  11. 17. A rhythmic movement, or is the speed at which a piece of music is played.
  12. 18. A symbol indicating that the second line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of G above middle C and also called G clef.
  13. 19. A type of classical male singing voice whose vocal range is one of the highest of the male voice types
  1. 1. A musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes.
  2. 3. Music is divided with bar called ___________
  3. 5. The highest vocal range of all voice types
  4. 6. The opposite of a sharp note, it is a lowered pitch
  5. 7. There are _________ letters in the musical alphabet.
  6. 9. A symbol (‘#’) placed in front of a note, increasing its pitch by a half step
  7. 11. The space between two bar lines are called ___________
  8. 15. A note having the time value of an eighth of a semibreve.
  9. 16. The arrangement of sounds as they move through time.