Music Vocabulary
- 1. The pattern of beats and silences in music.
- 3. A sequence of notes arranged in ascending or descending order by pitch.
- 7. A symbol indicating a silence lasting one-quarter of a measure.
- 8. a segment of time in a piece of music that contains a specific number of beats
- 9. A vertical line on the staff that separates measures in a piece of music. It helps to organize the music into sections.
- 11. are placed on the lines and in the spaces to indicate their pitch."
- 12. A symbol indicating a silence lasting a whole measure.
- 13. "A musical note with a duration of one-half of a whole note.In 4/4 time, it gets two beats."
- 14. A symbol indicating a silence lasting one-half of a measure.
- 2. A notation at the beginning of a piece of music that indicates how many beats are in each measure (the top number) and what note value (the bottom number) gets one beat.
- 4. "Two vertical lines placed close together on the staff, signaling the end of a section or the end of the piece of music."
- 5. "A symbol placed at the beginning of the staff that indicates the pitch of notes on the staff, specifically for higher-pitched instruments and voices. "
- 6. "A set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different pitch.
- 7. "A musical note with a duration of one-quarter of a whole note.In 4/4 time, it gets one beat."
- 10. A musical note with a duration of four beats in 4/4 time.