
  1. 4. another stringed instrument everyone should know
  2. 6. a group of instruments working in harmony
  3. 11. the smallest wind instrument in the world
  4. 14. an instrument that is also known as a shape
  5. 15. the most common member of the strings section
  6. 17. "sweet home alabama"
  7. 18. need more cow____
  8. 19. most commonly found under a drum
  9. 20. also known as singing
  10. 22. "hello it's me"
  1. 1. "life is a _______"
  2. 2. Saul asked David to play this
  3. 3. Drop the ____
  4. 5. Did France invent this brass instrument
  5. 7. "It's The Final Countdown"
  6. 8. commonly mistaken for the violin
  7. 9. "Here I Go Again On My Own"
  8. 10. sometimes called a keyboard
  9. 12. most common member in the brass section
  10. 13. "Don't stop believing"
  11. 16. known for making the loudest noise you'll ever hear without a microphone
  12. 21. need to play this stringed instrument sitting down