
  1. 3. 5 step move in a dance called the Cha Cha
  2. 4. two things that cross each other
  3. 7. main lyrics in a song
  4. 9. move back and forth - one foot is off the ground and one foot is touching ground (forward/back OR side to side)
  5. 10. when something repeats itself
  6. 11. DO NOT MOVE!
  7. 14. no mistake
  8. 15. popular music in Korea
  1. 1. music from Jamaica
  2. 2. singing fast and rhyming
  3. 3. easy to like and remember
  4. 4. Cartoon character; dance move
  5. 5. to move to the side, keep feet touching ground
  6. 6. lift foot and put it down hard
  7. 8. to go backwards or turn around
  8. 11. strong dance rhythm
  9. 12. regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements
  10. 13. jump on two feet, land on two feet