
  1. 2. Austrian music composer, composed 106 symphonies
  2. 4. Soprano,Tenor,Alto,Base soloist
  3. 5. Beethoven's disability
  4. 11. known as a pianist, a composer and a music innovator
  5. 14. the composer settles back to the home key
  6. 16. is originally denoted as a musical piece played on instruments
  7. 17. Maria Anna's nickname
  8. 18. Mozart's sister
  9. 19. _ _ _ _ van beethoven
  10. 20. known as a very talented musician who can play any instruments
  1. 1. Forte or loud and mezzo forte or moderately loud
  2. 3. gives the composer the ability to improvise
  3. 6. its like an introduction in an essay
  4. 7. the ruler of Salzburg
  5. 8. Beethoven composed a great music for
  6. 9. _ _ _ _ Amadeus Mozart
  7. 10. Allegro or fast,quick,bright
  8. 12. 4 quarter/4 quarter signature
  9. 13. musics that are described as having contrast in mood
  10. 15. the period that was cultimated by the works of Bach and Handel