Musical Crossword
- 2. Music note worth 4 beats
- 4. My music teacher's last name
- 5. Instrument family that uses reeds
- 6. Dynamic term for soft
- 8. Dynamic term that means to gradually get softer
- 13. Dynamic term for very loud
- 14. My music teacher's dogs name
- 16. The King of Pop
- 18. Do, re, mi, fa...
- 21. Music note that equals 1 beat but makes no sound
- 22. Clef used for higher pitches
- 1. Dynamic term for medium loud
- 3. Mrs. Peabody's favorite performer who goes by the nickname of "Queen Bey"
- 6. Dynamic term for very soft
- 7. Instrument family who has many golden instrument
- 9. Silver instrument that belongs to the woodwind family
- 10. My music teacher's favorite color
- 11. Belongs to the percussion family but also has strings
- 12. Savannah colors are black and...
- 15. Lines and spaces music is written on
- 17. "GOOOOOO ....!"
- 19. The speed of the music
- 20. The words of the song