musical terms
- 4. (especially as a direction) at a brisk tempo
- 8. a scale of four notes, the interval between the first and last being a perfect fourth
- 10. signature an indication of rhythm following a clef, generally expressed as a fraction with the denominator defining the beat as a division of a whole note and the numerator giving the number of beats in each bar.
- 12. Forte (especially as a direction) moderately loudly
- 13. a scale of four notes, the interval between the first and last being a perfect fourth
- 14. in a smooth flowing manner, without breaks between notes.
- 15. (especially as a direction) in slow tempo
- 17. (especially as a direction) very softly
- 18. (especially as a direction) with sudden emphasis
- 19. (especially as a direction) with a gradual decrease in speed.
- 1. (especially as a direction) at a moderately slow tempo
- 2. signature any of several combinations of sharps or flats after the clef at the beginning of each stave, indicating the key of a composition
- 3. a gradually increasing sound
- 5. (especially as a direction) in a lively and brisk manner
- 6. Scale The major scale is one of the most commonly used musical scales, especially in Western music. It is one of the diatonic scales. Like many musical scales, it is made up of seven notes: the eighth duplicates the first at double its frequency so that it is called a higher octave of the same note
- 7. the speed at which a passage of music is or should be played Staccato performed with each note sharply detached or separated from the others.
- 9. (especially as a direction) with a note or chord held for its full-time value or slightly more
- 11. (especially as a direction) very loudly.
- 16. a decrease in loudness