Musical Theatre Vocabulary

  1. 1. sequence of notes
  2. 3. a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together
  3. 5. theatre district in new york
  4. 9. genre of drama with singing and dancing
  5. 11. a performance done alone
  6. 12. piece of music played by an orchestra at the beginning of a performance
  7. 13. repeated pattern of movement or sound
  8. 15. large organized group of singers
  9. 16. text of an opera, operetta, or other musical theatre
  1. 2. classical work set to music for singers and instrumentalists
  2. 4. actor that can sing, dance, and act
  3. 6. light, flowing choreography
  4. 7. recess between parts of a performance
  5. 8. short opera
  6. 10. manuscript of a musical work
  7. 14. sequence of steps and movements in dance