My Fabulous Year 9 Class!!!

  1. 1. Newest addition to the class?
  2. 3. What is William's favourite fruit?
  3. 5. Who plays golf?
  4. 7. Who accidentally damaged a bird?
  5. 10. master of vocabulary
  6. 13. Who is Alexandra's little brother?
  7. 14. This is where Gracjan lost his football
  8. 15. Gemma spent over £40 on these
  9. 18. Katy-May loves to do this
  10. 19. Arthur Harrison cricks his what?
  11. 20. Who is a lovely young man?
  12. 21. Who pretended to have a cough yesterday and was absent?
  1. 1. Who loves Fridays and hates Mondays?
  2. 2. Works hard in every single lesson
  3. 4. Who originally came from York?
  4. 6. Tia LOVES asking these!
  5. 8. The presentation of his work has much improved!
  6. 9. Alesha wants to be one when she is bigger
  7. 11. Charlotte is reading a book about Jeremy who?
  8. 12. Freddy is the King of these Eggs
  9. 16. who has a brother called Toby?
  10. 17. What will Harry do when he races Mr Barr?