My Fandoms

  1. 4. Animated series by Edd Gould
  2. 5. Cute anime/group of four
  3. 8. Gamers/Youtubers
  4. 13. Horror Anime/Includes Ghosts
  5. 14. Horror Game made by ZeoWorks
  6. 16. 3D animated series by Rooster Teeth
  7. 19. Gory Game made by YandereDev
  8. 22. Animated series soon coming on TV
  9. 24. Horror Movie inspired by the book of Stephen King
  10. 26. Animated series by Rooster Teeth
  11. 27. Game made by MDHR
  12. 28. Romance Anime/Harem
  1. 1. Horror Anime/Zombies
  2. 2. Horror game by Dan Salvato
  3. 3. Characters created by unknown people /Countries
  4. 6. Gory animated series by ???
  5. 7. Company/movies about superheroes
  6. 9. Horror game/1000 doors
  7. 10. Animated series/ watchable on TV
  8. 11. Horror characters/stories created by unknown people
  9. 12. Animated series of Comedy Central
  10. 15. An animator/ By the way
  11. 17. Horror game made by Micah Mcgonigal
  12. 18. A Musical
  13. 20. An animator/Edgy
  14. 21. Horror game by The Meatly
  15. 23. Horror game/Egg
  16. 25. Roblox group/Myths