My favorite things in life

  1. 1. Gaming
  2. 4. Favorite sport
  3. 6. need this to survive
  4. 7. Home country
  5. 10. scored this in soccer
  6. 11. lift and get big
  7. 12. Everyone needs to be this
  8. 13. Everyone can do this with hard work
  9. 16. Mat and two wrestlers
  1. 2. need them to look cool
  2. 3. a lot of us addiced to this
  3. 4. not my favorite
  4. 5. most important
  5. 7. Doesn´t buy happiness
  6. 8. Need to have faith
  7. 9. play soccer with these
  8. 11. Play soccer on this
  9. 14. need this every morning
  10. 15. entertain you and have fun