My identity

  1. 1. have we all played a ____ before? Well you have cause this is one
  2. 4. my friends and family say I’m a walking ______ sign
  3. 6. definition of me
  4. 8. opposite to being then same
  5. 10. Korean word for different
  6. 11. my favourite music type
  7. 13. we all have one
  8. 14. is what we have
  9. 17. My favourite group/band
  10. 19. my favourite food
  11. 22. Share some ___
  12. 23. is human a kind of ______? Dogs and cats are for sure.
  13. 24. my word for hello to make it you need hen and something else
  14. 28. find your ____ self
  15. 30. I am a little bit ____ some days
  16. 32. spread your _____
  17. 33. You know that one song that goes f.r.i.e—- oops I gave you to big of a clue.
  18. 35. don’t _______Yourself to others
  19. 36. come on you gotta _____ at least your self
  1. 2. the best country
  2. 3. run at your own ____ Be the you that you are
  3. 5. my favourite type of tea
  4. 7. love ________
  5. 9. you have them, you just might not know them
  6. 11. Be the ________ You wish to see in the world
  7. 12. there’s so many ______
  8. 15. don’t _____ Away from me
  9. 16. who I am
  10. 18. stay ____
  11. 20. I can be a little bit of this kind of girl sometimes but not always
  12. 21. share your _____
  13. 25. you need this in life to learn
  14. 26. ____with me
  15. 27. my favourite colour
  16. 29. I wanna be ______
  17. 31. my favourite animal
  18. 34. a happy feeling