My love for you

  1. 2. the street we live on
  2. 4. we did this last year
  3. 7. where we first lived together
  4. 8. my hogwarts house
  5. 10. a franchise we both love
  6. 11. something we both enjoy
  7. 12. something we enjoy doing together
  8. 13. your favourite marvel hero
  9. 15. the nickname you gave me
  10. 18. My nickname for you
  11. 19. my faveorite dc villain
  1. 1. the month we first met
  2. 3. month we got married
  3. 5. where we had our honeymoon
  4. 6. our second place we went on our honeymoon
  5. 7. your hogwarts house
  6. 9. a dish we invented
  7. 10. my bucket list place we went
  8. 14. out first vacation together
  9. 16. a place on your bucketlist
  10. 17. our last name