My Love, My Love
- 3. Who Daniel is promised to
- 4. Mama Euralie’s nickname for Desiree
- 7. Last name of Daniel
- 9. Name of village's centenarian
- 12. God of earth
- 15. First to not "see" Desiree
- 17. Fruit Desiree uses to trade with
- 18. Groundskeeper's name
- 19. Who Desiree barters with
- 20. Needed for Desiree's entrance to estate
- 1. Demon of death
- 2. Daniel's godmother and nursemaid
- 5. Red item seen as magical by Desiree
- 6. French for uncle
- 8. Islands the story takes place on
- 10. Tree Desiree was found in
- 11. French word for butterfly
- 13. God of the sea
- 14. God of love
- 16. Cage used by Desiree