My Plate Vocab

  1. 4. On the back of all drinks, and boxed foods.
  2. 9. The 5 groups foods can fall under.
  3. 10. excessive or extra weight.
  4. 14. The amounts of servings per box.
  5. 15. It is a plant-based nutrient.
  6. 17. a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
  7. 18. The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  8. 19. I have Two types and has to take insulin to fix.
  9. 20. is a vegetarian diet that includes dairy products.
  10. 21. is an abnormal immune response to food.
  11. 23. I am used to fix diabetes.
  12. 24. What is 2–5% in men, and 10–13% in women.
  13. 25. a person who does not eat or use animal products.
  1. 1. obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble.
  2. 2. Comes from fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
  3. 3. one of the most common forms of sugar in food.
  4. 5. the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.
  5. 6. is a vegetarian who does not eat any meat.
  6. 7. is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs.
  7. 8. something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
  8. 11. Comes From Meats.
  9. 12. a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin.
  10. 13. the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
  11. 16. below a weight considered normal or desirable.
  12. 22. Come from Breads and Grains.