Mythological Creature

  1. 3. A bird that is reborn from its ashes after dying in flames.
  2. 4. A serpent or dragon that can kill with its gaze or breath.
  3. 8. A North American creature resembling a rabbit with antlers.
  4. 11. A mythical creature from Latin American folklore known for attacking livestock.
  5. 12. A creature with the body of a lion, wings of a bird, and a human head.
  6. 13. A giant bird of prey from Middle Eastern mythology.
  7. 15. A creature with the body of a human and the head of a bull.
  8. 16. A multiheaded dog guarding the entrance to the Underworld in Greek mythology.
  9. 17. Three sisters with snakes for hair, including Medusa, in Greek mythology.
  10. 18. A Gorgon with snakes for hair, capable of turning people to stone with her gaze.
  11. 20. A giant sea monster often depicted as a squid or octopus.
  12. 22. Fox spirits from Japanese mythology, often depicted as shapeshifters.
  13. 23. Winged creatures with the body of a bird and the head of a woman.
  1. 1. A female spirit from Irish folklore that wails as an omen of death.
  2. 2. A creature with the body of a lion, the head of a human, and the tail of a scorpion.
  3. 3. A winged horse in Greek mythology.
  4. 5. Water creatures from Japanese folklore, known for their mischief.
  5. 6. Lion A lion with impenetrable fur slain by Heracles in Greek mythology.
  6. 7. A powerful bird in Native American mythology associated with storms.
  7. 9. A monster with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent.
  8. 10. A creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle.
  9. 11. A oneeyed giant from Greek mythology.
  10. 14. A serpentlike creature with wings and often associated with fire in Western mythology.
  11. 19. A horselike creature with a single horn on its forehead.
  12. 21. A legendary apelike creature said to inhabit the Himalayan mountains.