Mythological creatures

  1. 3. Has the body of a horse, upper body of a human
  2. 4. Has the head and strength of a bull and the body of a human
  3. 6. The gatekeeper to the underworld
  4. 10. A flaming bird with magical healing capabilities
  5. 11. A winged fire breathing reptile
  6. 12. Has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle
  1. 1. A horse with wings
  2. 2. A lion with wings and the tail of a scorpion
  3. 5. A human that turns into a wolf during a full moon
  4. 6. A creature with a head of a lion and a goat and a snake tail
  5. 7. A chicken with dragon wings and and the tail of a snake that turns living things into stone by looking into their eyes
  6. 8. A horse with a horn of magical capablities
  7. 9. A winged serpent that can regrow and double it's head