Mythological Creatures

  1. 2. Put men into trances with their voice and cause them to forget troubles
  2. 5. A winged lion with the face of a woman that told riddles and ate any who answered incorrectly
  3. 6. Half goat, half human creatures of Roman mythology that play the flute
  4. 8. Chase sinners on Earth and punish evildoers in the Underworld
  5. 9. Half goat, half human creatures of Greek mythology that entertain Dionysus
  6. 10. Three headed dog that guards the gate to the Underworld
  1. 1. savage creature that is half man, half horse
  2. 2. Women frenzied with wine and worship the god of wine Dionysus
  3. 3. Lured sailors with their voices and killed them
  4. 4. Bird like creatures with a woman's face that carry a foul stench
  5. 7. Controlled the thread of life and the destiny of every person