
  1. 2. Norse god of thunder.
  2. 5. Monstrous wolf in Norse mythology.
  3. 6. Chief god in Norse mythology.
  4. 7. Feathered serpent in Aztec myth.
  5. 9. Ruler of the Underworld in Greek myth.
  6. 11. Titan who brought fire to humans.
  7. 12. Gorgon with snake hair.
  8. 14. King of the Greek gods.
  9. 15. Half-human, half-bull creature.
  1. 1. Legendary sea monster.
  2. 3. Goddess of love and beauty.
  3. 4. Enchanting sea creatures in Greek myth.
  4. 8. One-eyed giants in Greek myth.
  5. 10. Egyptian god of the afterlife.
  6. 13. Winged horse in Greek myth.