Mythology Madness

  1. 6. The most famous Roman festival was _____
  2. 7. Use these to mark the place where you pull a book off a bookcase in the library
  3. 8. What do you call the lists of reading recommendations offered in the library’s catalog Destiny Discover?
  4. 10. In Norse Mythology, Loki had two sons named…
  5. 11. To get to the databases that H-B Woodlawn has, but other APS libraries do NOT have, use this button at MyAccess: ____
  6. 16. This happens in the library every Tuesday morning.
  7. 18. Bulfinch’s _____ is a CLASSIC (old, respected) tome about
  8. 20. Oxford produces a database about musicians. H-B Woodlawn is the only school that provides it to APS students. Find it in the list from MackinVia. It is called Oxford _______ .
  9. 21. Who checks out the books to you?
  10. 22. Who is the Roman goddess that turned a man into a stag? (Source: Bulfinch’s Mythology page 28)
  1. 1. A popular style of Japanese graphic novels
  2. 2. What snake-like many-headed monster was the offspring of Echidna? (Source: D’Aulaire page 18)
  3. 3. A map on the library’s home page shows you that purple is the color for the ____ for graphic novels.
  4. 4. One of the Avatars of Vishnu; swims
  5. 5. These print materials from the library include THE WEEK, WIRED, and POPULAR MECHANICS. There’s another called MAD.
  6. 9. In Hinduism, Vishnu is married to ___
  7. 12. In order to get to the library’s databases, all teachers have the button to APS Library Resources inside their ____ course online.
  8. 13. In Norse Mythology, Loki married ______
  9. 14. The name of the Norse goddess of the dishonored dead is _____
  10. 15. Mankind's oldest hero is named _____
  11. 17. Use the library catalog. In what sublocation will you find this title, THE SUM OF US by McGhee?
  12. 19. This is a database that no other APS library has. It is about creative people who create Art. It is called ___ Art
  13. 21. It’s the book’s “address” in the library and it’s printed on the spine label. Example: 212.4 Cro or F-Kin