
  1. 4. Who was the mother of the Gods?
  2. 8. Jason and the __________.
  3. 11. Messenger of the Gods
  4. 12. How many major gods are there in greek mythology?
  5. 13. Who was given permission to go to the underworld to find his love?
  6. 16. Symbol of Poseidon
  7. 19. What did Persephone eat that made her stay in the underworld?
  8. 20. We know Hades is the God of the Underworld and the dead but what else is he the God of?
  9. 21. Queen of the Gods
  10. 22. Who was the Goddess of revenge?
  11. 24. Who was the goddess of the hearth?
  12. 25. Symbol was a lightning bolt
  13. 27. Medusa was what type of monster?
  1. 1. Ruler of the Titans and father of the Gods.
  2. 2. The _________ helped Hephaestus in his forge.
  3. 3. What Roman Goddess vowed never to marry?
  4. 5. Who gave mankind fire?
  5. 6. What goddess is a common brand named after?
  6. 7. Goddess of Harvest
  7. 9. What was the symbol of Aphrodite?
  8. 10. What titan was given the punishment to hold up the sky?
  9. 14. Who wanted to drive his father's chariot?
  10. 15. The myth of Athena and Arachne shows the origin of what?
  11. 17. Who opened a sacred box and let out all evil in the world?
  12. 18. __________ was a giant maze created by Daedalus.
  13. 20. Who was the Roman god with two faces?
  14. 23. What are the monsters that trap men with their gorgeous looks and voices?
  15. 26. God of War