
  1. 3. describes pegasus
  2. 4. how bellerphoron died
  3. 8. where bellerophon grew up
  4. 10. what pegasus served as for zeus
  5. 11. i am the god of the sea
  6. 12. there are nine of us
  7. 13. made a pass at bellerphoron
  8. 15. flyiing horse
  9. 17. used to fight the chimaera
  10. 18. i slayed medusa
  1. 1. pegasus served me
  2. 2. i killed the chimaera
  3. 5. i am the watch dog of hades
  4. 6. how bellerophon was after his victory
  5. 7. i told bellerophon to slay the chimaera
  6. 9. i am a fire breathing monster
  7. 12. took care of pegasus
  8. 14. was suppose to kill bellerphoron but didn't
  9. 15. i am a king
  10. 16. brought pagasus back to life