
  1. 4. Who was the original creator of fire?
  2. 5. Arachne got turned into a _______.
  3. 6. What fraction of the year was Persephone in the Underworld with Hades
  4. 7. What did Pandora think was in the box?(Hint: Shiny, colorful rocks)
  5. 11. Athena disguised herself as an old ____.
  6. 12. Athena wove _____ into her piece.
  7. 13. How many seeds did Persephone eat
  1. 1. Who was the brother of foreboding?
  2. 2. Prometheus gave humankind ________
  3. 3. Who ordered Pandora to be created?
  4. 8. The name of the king who threw them onto the island.
  5. 9. What was the last thing in the box to come out?
  6. 10. Demeter is the god of _______
  7. 12. The wings were made from feathers and _____.