  1. 1. 1000-1500 ml is normal _____ output daily
  2. 3. equipment that is supportive devices inc. canes, walker & _______
  3. 5. most important nutrient the body needs
  4. 9. breathing in fluids or food into the lungs
  5. 10. pain & inflammation of the stomach lining
  6. 11. the NA can document vomit diarrhea urine & wound___
  7. 12. resting phase of the heart beat
  8. 14. most common disease of the endocrine system
  9. 15. method of bedmaking that protects skin on feet, shins and ankles (2 words)
  10. 16. emphasized goal of basic restorative care
  11. 19. moisture, immobility & impaired sensation are risks for ______ injury
  12. 20. inability to swallow
  13. 21. symptoms of cold, hunger, dizziness, shaking
  14. 22. this is maintained or improved with BRC
  15. 23. bending of a body part
  1. 2. inability to control urine output
  2. 4. inability to speak
  3. 6. 12-20 per minute for the normal adult range
  4. 7. symptoms of mental changes, smelly urine, fever
  5. 8. inflammation of the mouth's mucosa
  6. 13. uniformly moving pt as one unit
  7. 17. system that delivers nutrients & oxygen to the cells
  8. 18. team member that knows the patient best(2 words)