Nail Theory

  1. 4. Split or brittle nails.
  2. 7. The study of the structure and growth of the nails.
  3. 9. Inflammation of the nail matrix.
  4. 10. Increased curvature of the nails.
  5. 12. The half-moon shape at the base of the nail, which is the visible part of the matrix.
  6. 15. Horizontal wavy ridges across the nail.
  7. 16. Bitten nails.
  8. 17. The pocket-like structure that holds the root and matrix.
  9. 18. This is an appendage of the skin.
  10. 19. The tracks on either side of the nail that the nail moves on as it grows.
  11. 21. The Shedding or falling off of the nails.
  12. 22. Attached to the matrix at the base of the nail, under the skin and inside the mantle.
  13. 26. Bluish in color.
  14. 28. The technical name for the nail.
  15. 30. The nail is made up of.
  16. 31. Inflammation of the skin around the nail.
  17. 32. The overlapping dead tissue that is loose and pliable around the nail.
  18. 34. How many signs of infection there is.
  19. 35. The visible nail area from the nail root to the free edge (the nail body).
  20. 38. Indentations that run across the nail.
  21. 39. Very thin, soft nails.
  22. 41. The living tissue that overlies the nail plate on the sides of the nail.
  23. 42. The living tissue underneath the free edge of the nail.
  24. 43. The area of the nail where the nail body rests. Nerves and blood vessels found here supply nourishment.
  1. 1. The cause of the disease, disorder or condition.
  2. 2. Nails with a concave shape.
  3. 3. Any disease, disorder or Condition of the nail.
  4. 5. The live tissue at the base of the nail.
  5. 6. A brown or black darkening of the nail.
  6. 8. How many months it takes for a new fingernail to grow.
  7. 11. Atrophy or wasting away of the nail.
  8. 13. Living skin that becomes attached to the nail plate.
  9. 14. Ringworm of the hand.
  10. 19. The active tissue that generates cells, which harden as they move outward to form the nail plate.
  11. 20. White spots appearing on the nail.
  12. 23. Thickening of the nail plate or an abnormal outgrowth of the nail.
  13. 24. indented vertical lines down the nail plate.
  14. 25. The folds of skin on either side of the nail groove.
  15. 27. The part of the nail that extends beyond the finger or toe.
  16. 29. Dark Purplish discoloration under the nail.
  17. 33. Ringworm of the nail.
  18. 36. Ringworm of the feet or Athletes foot.
  19. 37. Loosening or separation of the nail.
  20. 40. Split cuticles; loose skin separated from the cuticle.