Names of Psychologist/Theorist

  1. 2. Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT)
  2. 9. Hierarchy of Needs
  3. 10. Hypnosis research/pain control
  4. 12. Learned Helplessness
  5. 13. Identity crisis
  6. 14. Strange situation
  7. 17. Stanford Prison experiment
  8. 18. Facial expressions, lie detector
  9. 20. Established the school of behaviorism
  10. 21. Wrote the "Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory"
  11. 22. Multiple intelligences theory
  12. 24. Client centered therapy
  13. 26. Infant temperament
  14. 27. Standardized Testing
  1. 1. Cognitive development theory
  2. 3. Theory of moral development
  3. 4. Classical conditioning
  4. 5. Misinformation effect, eyewitness memory
  5. 6. Cognitive behavioral therapies
  6. 7. Researched different parenting styles
  7. 8. Experiment in which individuals pretended to have auditory hallucinations in order to be admitted into a mental hospital.
  8. 11. Reinforcement,Skinner's Box
  9. 15. One of the founders of experimental psychology
  10. 16. Known for his studies on judgement and decision making
  11. 19. Individuals opinions influences by majority of the group
  12. 22. Taste aversion
  13. 23. Father of psychology
  14. 25. One of the founders of functional psychology