Narnia Vocabulary

  1. 3. to obtain victory
  2. 8. boastful; making a display from vanity
  3. 9. happiness with laughter and noise, gayety
  4. 10. to repel or drive off
  5. 12. to go or do courageously; usually with risk
  6. 13. grave or serious
  7. 16. agreement or harmony of minds
  8. 17. sovereign or supreme authority; power of control
  9. 18. destitute or uninhabited
  10. 19. a plan or system
  11. 20. a plan or scheme for deceiving an enemy
  1. 1. detestably or hatefully
  2. 2. to wave around as with a weapon
  3. 4. having a sign made to
  4. 5. to associate or hold fellowship as brothers
  5. 6. rude, intrusive, foolish
  6. 7. skillful or knowing
  7. 11. one who seeks knowledge
  8. 13. to call up or excite into action
  9. 14. a gloomy state of mind
  10. 15. mature thought; serious deliberation