
  1. 2. "Tell Me, What Is Your Purpose, Why Do You Seek Power."
  2. 4. "A Smile Is The Best Way To Get Oneself Out Of A Tight Spot Even If It's A Fake One. Surprisingly Enough, Everyone Takes It As Face Value."
  3. 5. "All You Need To Be A Shinobi Is To Have The Guts To Never Give Up."
  4. 6. "All Hard Work Prove Worthless...Unless You Believe In Yourself."
  5. 7. "WAKE UP TO REALITY! Nothing Ever Goes As Planned In This World. The Longer You Live The More You Realize that In This Reality Only Pain, Suffering, And Futility Exist."
  6. 8. "Things That Are Most Important Aren't Written In Books. You Have To Learn Them By Experiencing Them Yourselves."
  7. 10. "Even The Most Ignorant, Innocent Child Will Grown Up As They Learn What True Pain Is. It Affects What They Say, What They Think...They Become Real People."
  8. 12. "Nothing Is Wrong With Crying When You're Happy."
  9. 13. "It's Stupid To Talk About Things You're Not. Be Yourself And You'll Be Fine."
  10. 15. "People Become Stronger Because They Have Things They Cannot Forget, That's What You Call Growth."
  1. 1. "True Beauty Lies In Things That Last Forever Never Rotting Or Fading."
  2. 3. "Im Sorry Im Late. I Got Lost On The Path Of Life."
  3. 6. "What Is Your Wish? Peace? Money? Or The World? Whatever You Wish For You Have To Get With Your Own Strenght."
  4. 9. "Those Who Break The Rules Are Scum, But Those Who Betray Their Friends Are Worse Than Scum."
  5. 11. "Now I See It, People Fear And Hate What They Do Not Understand."
  6. 14. "A Dropout Will Beat A Genius Through Hard Work."