Nataleigh & Olivia’s Memory Puzzle

  1. 3. Having fun swimming in the beach house ___ during vacation
  2. 6. The cute videos you send me of ___ that get me through the day
  3. 7. When you frequently catch me wearing the black ___ shirt
  4. 9. Laughing hysterically at Alyssa’s poor attempt at doing our ___ at Lake Gaston
  5. 11. I’ve found someone who needs to stay warm and loves ___ almost as much as I do!
  6. 12. Running the Homie 5k race on that cold October day at ___ Tech
  7. 16. Exploring the NC State Farmers ___ with 2 month old Ry
  8. 17. Having a mini ___ with Ryleigh in our sand pit
  9. 18. What I accidentally pet your leg under the table, I thought I was touching ___
  10. 19. Riding ___ coasters together at the amusement park
  11. 20. One of my favorite photos of us: posing back to back at the ___
  12. 22. Trusting you to hold my friend Emily’s ___ cake in the front seat during our west Powhatan delivery
  1. 1. Sharing your birthday brownies and lighting bright ___ for Independence Day on our back porch
  2. 2. Sharing many meals at the pizza place in Midlothian, ___
  3. 4. Enjoying your August baby ___ in Front Royal- especially the sock game
  4. 5. Dressing up as characters from Toy Story (and you as the ____ Bunny) for Halloween years ago
  5. 8. “I have ___ eyelids”
  6. 10. Decorating for Ryleigh’s first ___, featuring a wild animal theme
  7. 11. When RyRy knocked on the door and pushed it open while you were using the ___
  8. 13. When Nana said she’d watch the baby and she basically fell ___
  9. 14. Sharing giant portions of ___ dough at the state fair
  10. 15. “Nataleigh, I am pretty sure she’s ___ up, what do I do?”
  11. 16. Forever sending relatable ___ to each other on social media
  12. 20. Always picking out more ___ Yoda clothes that Ry doesn’t need but here we are
  13. 21. “Is it ‘cause we are ___?”
  14. 22. Filming you & Zach’s intense ___ gun battle in our pool this past July
  15. 23. You and I both have a love for this
  16. 24. Ry and her favorite 1st birthday gift, her green and yellow ___