Natalie's Fruit Crossword

  1. 3. It is green and sour
  2. 5. It is red/pink
  3. 8. Has little spikes on the sides
  4. 10. Has juice and is greenish
  5. 12. Has a lot of seeds
  6. 15. Has a green peel when not ripe
  7. 16. The peel color is its name
  1. 1. It is a fruit, a bird and a New Zealander
  2. 2. Usually comes in pairs of 2
  3. 4. They grow on vines
  4. 6. It is round and blue
  5. 7. it can be yellow, red or green
  6. 9. is black and a lot of seeds
  7. 10. Has a big pit
  8. 11. is sour and yellow
  9. 13. Used in guacamole
  10. 14. A big fruit