Natalies Kreuzworträtsel

  1. 4. when you don't have to pay for something it's ...
  2. 6. closing the door gives you ...
  3. 7. parents probably think social media is a ...
  4. 8. picture words
  5. 9. a handy way to make calls on the go
  6. 12. you enter your username and password to ... (no spaces)
  7. 13. cops have a duty to uphold the ...
  8. 14. a billboard is an example of an ...
  9. 15. time ghost
  10. 17. a little red dot on your apps
  1. 1. another word for hater
  2. 2. Australians are all paid actors is an example of a ...
  3. 3. eg. instagram, snapchat, tiktok
  4. 5. knowing this vocabulary is ... to pass the SAC
  5. 10. another word for talking to someone
  6. 11. something that gives you headlines
  7. 16. you probably can't live without it