Nathanator3000 The Ultimate Exam

  1. 4. what all my dogs are (two words with a hyphen in between)
  2. 7. these are better in the Netherlands apparently
  3. 9. something you almost did on your porch
  4. 11. Might run into you here
  5. 13. carried an interesting item around this store (two words with a hyphen in between)
  6. 17. something that was too hot?
  7. 18. an important detail you couldn't find on the packaging
  8. 19. something I pause everything else to do
  9. 23. lost it on your way to me
  10. 25. where I work
  11. 27. an fitting place to go on halloween (two words with a hyphen in between)
  12. 30. 3/3
  13. 35. something we ate on a morning adventure (two words with a hyphen in between)
  14. 36. you know more of these then me apparently
  15. 41. I really regret not getting this
  16. 43. a child sitting on the porch
  17. 44. something your mum made to capture your essence
  18. 45. something the weather destroyed
  19. 46. a song I played you by Mr. Major in the car
  20. 47. you always try and make me do
  21. 49. you did this while I was sleeping
  22. 52. you barely beat me at this (two words with a hyphen in between)
  23. 54. where your powers come from
  24. 55. you exchanged admiration and love declarations with them
  25. 57. its a mindset not just a season
  26. 58. something we both have
  27. 60. a character you sometimes look like
  28. 61. the last name of a man my granny loves
  29. 62. the day before my birthday (two words with a hyphen in between)
  30. 64. My actual favourite person
  31. 65. something you count on the road
  32. 67. something I do on the phone
  33. 69. a place I watched you run (acronym)
  34. 70. 1/3
  35. 78. a distant lake
  36. 80. pretty much always makes me cry
  37. 84. a friend we waved to at gyro
  38. 86. a nickname I gave you (two words with a hyphen in between)
  39. 87. you probably couldn't come over if you had this
  40. 88. send a lot of memes about them (two words with a hyphen in between)
  41. 90. a baller move to forget
  42. 91. something you didn't know how to get rid of
  43. 94. pretended they were stars
  44. 96. greenie? (two words with a hyphen in between)
  45. 97. something you've never experienced
  46. 99. How many times I almost crashed
  47. 100. the last name of a man who would hate us both
  48. 103. something I didn't expect you to know so many words of
  49. 104. I want to get it right on the first try
  50. 106. purple
  51. 108. something I won at the PNE
  52. 110. the first thing you gave me had this in it
  53. 111. have to go to everyone
  54. 114. tried to hunt these down when we babysat josie
  55. 116. second place we kissed
  56. 118. something Finn joked you were going to do to me when I wasn't answering my phone
  57. 120. lost my turn at this game
  58. 121. something you were supposed to learn a lot about
  59. 122. stays off the breakfast plate
  60. 124. something we were gonna fake to weird out your neighbours
  61. 125. something I think we both get more of when we're together
  62. 126. your nephews favourite animal apparently
  63. 127. "we're not arguing we're ____"
  64. 128. something of yours I like to touch
  65. 129. somewhere you want to go back to (two words with a hyphen in between)
  66. 130. something you like more than me
  67. 131. 2/3
  68. 133. something I look like?
  1. 1. the bane of your existence (two words with a hyphen in between)
  2. 2. something that makes Nathan a baby
  3. 3. something my whole family does (my granny especially)
  4. 5. you ate all of these for me
  5. 6. you got upset because I left without saying this once
  6. 8. something you'd rather do in the dark
  7. 10. something you said you were going in the grocery store isle
  8. 12. You asked if I looked different because I had more of this on
  9. 14. something we both didn't want to try when we first started talking
  10. 15. something I got in a grocery store
  11. 16. something you're good at guessing
  12. 20. something I always swear I'm not
  13. 21. I do this a lot at your place
  14. 22. something we need to time you
  15. 24. looking?
  16. 26. the fun part of a fruit in French
  17. 28. something I called you that you didn't expect
  18. 29. I say this and you say mercy
  19. 31. you waited to eat this so you could kiss me
  20. 32. something you didn't want to do when we first started talking
  21. 33. they didn't have the best kind
  22. 34. something I was surprised you were into
  23. 37. missing (two words with a hyphen in between)
  24. 38. a friend that always has my back
  25. 39. something you were disappointed in the size of
  26. 40. a profession at the town I visited
  27. 42. you're nephew and I bonded over this (two words with a hyphen in between)
  28. 48. you mimed this to me in the car when I was on the phone
  29. 50. "does it have gluten in it?"
  30. 51. Italian for stop
  31. 52. something you rarely get in France and took a video of
  32. 53. a nickname for my wet look (two words with a hyphen in between)
  33. 56. something I didn't want to do when we first started talking
  34. 59. didn't know which to root for in this
  35. 63. somebody I missed
  36. 66. what we had on mt tolmie
  37. 68. something I say when things don't work out
  38. 71. the first thing you ever complimented me on in person
  39. 72. what you said we were when I asked
  40. 73. first place we kissed
  41. 74. somewhere you didn't go in France that your friends did
  42. 75. something I'm great at washing
  43. 76. something you broke
  44. 77. something my friends always say I do with staff
  45. 79. what we never saw on a festive day
  46. 81. made with real Canadian blueberries? (two words with a hyphen in between)
  47. 82. had a lot of bees in it
  48. 83. forgot it completely recently
  49. 85. neither of us have these
  50. 89. what the demons are after
  51. 92. an activity you were participating in when you got teased about neck souvenir's
  52. 93. a weird description word for an item in a grocery store
  53. 95. you would rather diet coke
  54. 97. "You're ____? you asshole"
  55. 98. what my car is called (two words with a hyphen in between)
  56. 101. a good word to describe us both
  57. 102. apparently a cesspool
  58. 105. the relationship between blue and josie
  59. 107. something you thought your family would do when they met me
  60. 109. you were shocked I haven't watched this movie
  61. 112. something we both played with our families growing up (two words with a hyphen in between)
  62. 113. could have used this making pizza dough (two words with a hyphen in between)
  63. 115. performer at Copa America
  64. 117. you wanted to know what makes me choose these
  65. 119. "oh you must be busy with your other ___"
  66. 121. you complained about how small this was
  67. 123. you always ask if I need this in order to remember something
  68. 132. something I didn't trust myself to do