National Diabetes Awareness Week 2022

  1. 4. A common long acting insulin used for diabetes.
  2. 6. _ _ _ _ _ UP is the theme of National Diabetes Awareness Week 2022.
  3. 10. There are this many teaspoons of sugar in a 375ml can of soft drink
  4. 11. Someone is said to be having this when their blood glucose is below 4.0mmol.
  5. 13. The SGLT2i class of oral medications inhibits the reabsorption of glucose from this organ.
  6. 15. This disease process is the main cause of T1DM
  1. 1. Blurred _ _ _ _ _ _ is a common symptom of T2DM.
  2. 2. This OHA which is commonly used in T2DM.
  3. 3. A common short acting insulin used in hospitals for insulin infusions.
  4. 5. Thirst and sudden weight _ _ _ _ are symptoms of T1DM.
  5. 7. Diabetic Retinopathy is damage to this organ.
  6. 8. Diet and this are important aspects of diabetes management.
  7. 9. The disposible device that can contain Novorapid, Novomix 30, Actrapid, Protophane or Levemir.
  8. 12. People with T1DM will always need this.
  9. 14. A CSII .... is a common insulin delivery system for people living with T1DM.