National Medical Laboratory Week 2013

  1. 2. The lab is often seen pushing one of these around the Hospital
  2. 4. Lab Tech's are not ________
  3. 5. Lab Techs have great hand _______
  4. 7. A magnifying Instrument
  5. 9. used to monitor diabetes
  6. 10. White Uniform worn in the Lab
  7. 11. National Medical _________ Week
  8. 14. causes infection
  9. 15. Liquid "Gold"
  10. 16. You ____ because we are here!
  11. 18. punctures the vein to acquire blood
  12. 19. Our ______ is You!
  1. 1. holds blood samples for testing
  2. 3. Used to process blood samples
  3. 5. Used to measure blood loss
  4. 6. The Labs score in the 2012 OLA accreditation
  5. 8. blue band used to find a vein
  6. 12. used to disinfect the skin
  7. 13. blood indicator of Cardiac Arrest
  8. 17. a Frequently transfused product