  1. 3. (n) [ˈspiːʃiːz] a group/ groups of animals or plants
  2. 6. (v) [əˈbændən] to leave somebody, especially somebody you are responsible for, with no intention of returning
  3. 7. (adj) [ˌsʌbˈtrɒpɪkəl] related to an area near tropical area
  4. 8. (n) [ˈwɪldənɪs] a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to live there
  5. 10. (n) [ˈɔːfənɪʤ] a home for children whose parents are dead
  6. 11. (v) [ɪsˈtæblɪʃ] set up
  7. 12. (v) [ləʊˈkeɪt] to put or build something in a particular place
  1. 1. (n/ adj) [ˈkemɪkəl] a substance obtained by or used in a chemical process
  2. 2. (v) [ˈrekəgnaɪz] to know who somebody is or what something is when you see or hear them or it, because you have seen or heard them or it before
  3. 4. (adj) [ˈtɒksɪk] poisonous
  4. 5. (v) [kənˈteɪn] to have sth inside
  5. 9. (n) [səˈvaɪvəl] a state of continuing to live or exist