National Parks Crossword

  1. 2. a pool of hot water that can send steam & hot water into the air
  2. 6. a very large evergreen tree that grows in California
  3. 7. park land officially recognized and protected by a nation's government
  4. 8. plants & animals that live wild in an area without being introduced people
  5. 9. protection of things found in nature (trees, water, animals)
  1. 1. people traveling for fun
  2. 2. a large body of ice moving slowly
  3. 3. resource Anything found in nature that can be used by living things (example - water, fossil fuels, forests, air, animals)
  4. 4. person in charge of managing and protecting part of a national park
  5. 5. all living things, both plants & animals, living in a certain area