National Parks in Sarawak

  1. 1. This place is known as the 'World of Palms'.
  2. 4. One of Sarawak's smallest park, this place is known as 'Heaven of Borneo'.
  3. 8. This cave was inhabited by humans at at least 40 millennia ago.
  4. 9. This place's primary purpose is to conserve sea turtles.
  5. 10. There's a local legend tied closely to this place.
  1. 2. This fascinating national park has Sarawak's largest man-made lake.
  2. 3. Consist of the world's largest cave passage.
  3. 5. The star of this park is the proboscis monkeys you can find.
  4. 6. The park's main purpose is to protect peat swamp habitats where animals like Red Banded Langur live at.
  5. 7. This place is recognised by ecologists as one of the most ecology diversified areas to date.