National Parks of U.S

  1. 2. National park known for its unique hoodoos (tall, thin rock spires).
  2. 4. National park known for its giant sequoia trees, including the General Sherman Tree.
  3. 7. Oldest national park in the U.S., known for Old Faithful geyser.
  4. 9. National park in Utah known for its natural stone arches.
  5. 10. National park located in Maine.
  6. 11. National park in Utah known for its steep red cliffs and The Narrows.
  7. 12. National park in Oregon with the deepest lake in the U.S.
  1. 1. National park with the longest cave system in the world.
  2. 3. National park in California famous for Half Dome and El Capitan.
  3. 5. National park spanning the border between North Carolina and Tennessee.
  4. 6. National park in Alaska known for its massive glaciers.
  5. 8. National park in Alaska, home to the highest peak in North America.