National Preparedness Month

  1. 1. Learn first aid and ___.
  2. 5. One gallon a day per person for 3 days.
  3. 7. Plan for your ________ if you need help evacuating.
  4. 9. Know what kind of _____ and emergencies are most common in your area.
  5. 10. Make a ____ for what you will do during an emergency.
  1. 1. A good _____ plan includes writing down and storing phone numbers other than your cellphone.
  2. 2. Include copies of your important _________ in your emergency supply kits.
  3. 3. Keep a _____ radio tuned to your local emergency station.
  4. 4. Discuss your emergency plans with your _____.
  5. 6. Make a ___ of Emergency Supplies.
  6. 8. Sign up for warning and _____.
  7. 10. Have a plan for yourself and your ____.