Nationalism Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. An international organization of 8 nations
  2. 3. A minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live below
  3. 4. A policy by which countries agree to abide by the decisions of an international organisation made up of independent appointed officials
  4. 7. A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
  5. 12. A trade agreement between Canada, the US and Mexico that encourages free trade between these countries
  6. 13. Economic stability, peace and security, self determination, humanitarian activities
  7. 14. North American Air Defence Command
  8. 16. Things that people desire
  9. 17. Promoting human welfare and social reform
  10. 18. The policy of a country responding to events on it's own without agreements
  11. 19. The separation of like-minded people into isolated groups that are hostile to those whose values differ from their own
  12. 22. When developed countries and businesses make more money they will spend more money
  13. 25. Sovereign states have the _______ to protect their citizens.
  14. 26. A situation in which there is economic growth, rising national income, high employment, and steadiness
  15. 27. Food, Water, Shelter, Health
  16. 28. The ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will
  17. 29. All members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges that face the world
  1. 1. The North Atlantic treaty organization
  2. 2. The value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year
  3. 5. A country opting out of participating in international affairs
  4. 6. An organization that focuses on human health
  5. 8. A county's plan for dealing with other countries of the world
  6. 9. A policy that involves several countries working together to meet challenges and solve problems (Think the United Nations)
  7. 10. The cultural inheritance from the past that all people share
  8. 11. An international organization of European countries formed after WWII
  9. 15. An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace
  10. 20. this organization takes an internationalist approach to resolving issues
  11. 21. Debt incurred by a government that was not democratically chosen
  12. 23. Agreements between two countries to work toward resolving issues that concern both countries
  13. 24. A 15 member panel which bears the UN's major responsibilities