
  1. 4. Someone who has Spanish origins
  2. 5. Even though Old Faithful was ______ at top speed, he came in 3rd place in the Kentucky Derby.
  3. 6. Someone who is from the country where strudel comes from
  4. 10. Chow mein and dim sum are ______ dishes.
  5. 13. Venice and Rome are two popular cities where this group of people might live.
  6. 15. The first European group to colonize South America
  7. 16. Oaxaca and Baja are regions of this country.
  8. 18. Someone who is from the country to the west of Brazil
  9. 19. Many people in America get _____ cigars imported.
  10. 20. Most _______ countries use the euro as a form of currency.
  11. 22. If you are ______, you might live in Sydney or Brisbane.
  12. 23. Someone who is from a country that produces a lot of coffee beans
  13. 24. Amsterdam is a major city where this people group live.
  1. 1. Your mom might not let you leave the dinner table until you eat this.
  2. 2. The descendants of the ancient Inca Empire are ____.
  3. 3. Sushi and sashimi are _______ dishes.
  4. 7. If you live in any of our 50 states, you are___.
  5. 8. If you live in Cameroon or Zimbabwe, you are ___.
  6. 9. Crepes are an example of a _____ dish.
  7. 11. Someone who is from the country next to Finland
  8. 12. This group is part of the United Kingdom but have their own language.
  9. 14. Louis came to school late because he ______ overslept.
  10. 17. Someone who lives north of the United States
  11. 21. This group of people is known for controlling the American colonies before the Revolutionary War.
  12. 22. If you live in Vietnam or Mongolia, you are ___.