- 4. Someone who has Spanish origins
- 5. Even though Old Faithful was ______ at top speed, he came in 3rd place in the Kentucky Derby.
- 6. Someone who is from the country where strudel comes from
- 10. Chow mein and dim sum are ______ dishes.
- 13. Venice and Rome are two popular cities where this group of people might live.
- 15. The first European group to colonize South America
- 16. Oaxaca and Baja are regions of this country.
- 18. Someone who is from the country to the west of Brazil
- 19. Many people in America get _____ cigars imported.
- 20. Most _______ countries use the euro as a form of currency.
- 22. If you are ______, you might live in Sydney or Brisbane.
- 23. Someone who is from a country that produces a lot of coffee beans
- 24. Amsterdam is a major city where this people group live.
- 1. Your mom might not let you leave the dinner table until you eat this.
- 2. The descendants of the ancient Inca Empire are ____.
- 3. Sushi and sashimi are _______ dishes.
- 7. If you live in any of our 50 states, you are___.
- 8. If you live in Cameroon or Zimbabwe, you are ___.
- 9. Crepes are an example of a _____ dish.
- 11. Someone who is from the country next to Finland
- 12. This group is part of the United Kingdom but have their own language.
- 14. Louis came to school late because he ______ overslept.
- 17. Someone who lives north of the United States
- 21. This group of people is known for controlling the American colonies before the Revolutionary War.
- 22. If you live in Vietnam or Mongolia, you are ___.