Natural and Man-Caused Disasters

  1. 4. includes a wide range of ground movements, such as rock falls
  2. 5. a very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel
  3. 7. hot gas, rocks, ash, and lava that are expelled from a kind of mountain in the ground
  4. 9. an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or a wilderness area
  5. 10. a rapid flow of snow down a slope
  6. 12. a sudden shaking movement of the ground
  7. 15. introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans
  1. 1. disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life.
  2. 2. contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater)
  3. 3. a very large wave or series of waves caused when something such as an earthquake moves a large quantity of water in the sea
  4. 6. may be marked by strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning
  5. 8. has contributed to the extinction of animal species all over the world
  6. 11. a type of tropical cyclone, which is a generic term for a low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics
  7. 13. an extended period when a region notes a deficiency in its water supply whether surface or underground water
  8. 14. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before