Natural Catastrophic event.

  1. 3. tsunamis can cause massive ________________
  2. 5. Large marsupial
  3. 6. space debris that enters the Earth's atmosphere
  4. 8. Likes to chase mice
  5. 9. tornadoes destroy anything in it's ______
  6. 13. Destructive vortex of violent wind
  7. 14. Man's best friend
  8. 15. shaking of the ground, plate tectonic move
  9. 17. Flying mammal
  10. 18. severe snow storm with high winds
  1. 1. a mountain or hill where lava flows out
  2. 2. drought Can cause loss of plant and ________life
  3. 4. prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
  4. 7. Has a trunk
  5. 10. violent winds, warm water & low pressure
  6. 11. An overflow of a large amount of water
  7. 12. can cause total devastation to ecosystem /ash
  8. 16. high sea wave caused by earthquake in ocean