Noah Weston Natural Disasters

  1. 3. An area of land that gets little rainfall and lots of sunlight.
  2. 8. Snow and ice falling down a mountain or a slope.
  3. 9. A really big wave that is made by an earthquake
  4. 10. A storm with high winds and sand getting blown by the wind.
  5. 12. Shaking of the ground caused by movement in the tectonic plates.
  6. 13. Winds that circle around a certain area and blow things away in its path.
  7. 14. Water overflowing an area and raising water level in certain areas.
  8. 15. A fire that spreads quickly over forests or places with trees and plants and bushes.
  1. 1. Harsh winds over an ocean circling around a certain point.
  2. 2. Eruption When a volcano erupts and oozes lava and steam comes out the top of it.
  3. 4. A storm with thunder and lighting
  4. 5. Parts of earth like dirt or rock sliding down a slope.
  5. 6. Storms that drop balls of ice called hail.
  6. 7. A snowstorm that has high winds.
  7. 11. A circular drain that causes things around it to sink and is caused by water erosion.