Natural Disasters

  1. 2. Storm with lightning, thunder, and rain
  2. 3. Violent shaking of the Earth's surface
  3. 5. Severe winter storm with heavy snowfall and strong winds
  4. 8. Windstorm carrying sand and dust
  5. 10. Violent rotating column of air
  6. 11. Prolonged period of excessively hot weather
  7. 12. Powerful tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rain
  1. 1. Storm with intense hail precipitation
  2. 2. Large wave caused by an underwater earthquake
  3. 4. Intense low-pressure storm system with strong winds
  4. 6. Sudden rush of snow down a mountainside
  5. 7. Overflowing of water onto land
  6. 9. Long period of abnormally dry weather