Natural Disasters

  1. 1. A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community.
  2. 4. To remove people from a place of danger to a safer place.
  3. 7. Assistance, typically of a practical nature, provided in an emergency.
  4. 8. A mass of snow,ice,and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.
  5. 10. A brief, strong rush of wind.
  6. 11. A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.
  7. 13. A heavy and sudden rainfall.
  8. 17. Pellets of frozen rain that fall from the sky
  9. 18. A slight earthquake or vibration in the ground.
  10. 19. A person evacuated from a place of danger.
  11. 21. A strong, turbulent wind that carries clouds of fine dust, soil, and sand.
  12. 22. The sudden failure of a structure or system, often resulting in its destruction.
  1. 2. Causing severe shock, distress, or destruction.
  2. 3. A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.
  3. 5. The powdery residue left after burning a substance
  4. 6. A very strong wind, typically used to describe winds of 34-40 knots.
  5. 9. A smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquake.
  6. 12. A mass of earth or rock sliding down a mountain
  7. 14. The process by which something extends over a large area or group.
  8. 15. A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
  9. 16. Scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.
  10. 20. A long period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.